Thursday 29 November 2012

Murat Dalkılıç - Dönmem[I won't come back]

Murat Dalkılıç - Dönmem (I won't come back) lyric english translations

Ne sende ne bende bitmez gurur
Neither your pride will be over, nor mine

Affetsem dön desem bile yolumda durur
Even if I'll forgive, if I'll ask to come back, it'll still stay in my way

Küskündür kopmuş hayaller hızla savrulur
She's offended, torn dreams quickly disperse

Her büyük depremde taşlar yerini bulur
After every big earthquake stones find their places
Yetse ömür bir sen daha elbet bulur
If life will be enough, I'll find another you

Ya da akan gözyaşı gibi yeniden yeniden yeniden
Or, like flowing tears, over and over again

Yetse ömür bir sen daha elbet bulur
If life will be enough, I'll find another you

Ya da akan gözyaşı gibi ümitler kurur
Or, like flowing tears, my hopes will dry out
Dönmem geri dönmem
I won't come back

Bu aşk ile yaşaryamam 
I can't live with this love

Hani biz bize yeterdik
We were enough for each other

Her zoru yenerdik
We were overcoming every difficulty

Yalan, bir benim kanan
It's a lie, I was the only one who got fooled

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