Tuesday 10 July 2012

Alban Skenderaj & Miriam Cani - Let Me Die With You

Alban Skenderaj & Miriam Cani - Let me die with you lyrics

like the rain 
you passed over me 
like the rays of the sun 
over the sea eeeeehh 

Together (bashkë): 
baby just hold me tonight 
let me die on you 
its all I wanna do 
bring me back to the life 


Let me die with you 
let me fly with you 
let me love you 
and hold you 
over and over again 
yeah just over again 

lerm të vdes me ty 
te jetoj ne ty 
lerm të digjem në flakët e zjarrit 
që ndezëm të dy 
huuhuu që ndezëm të dy 
let me die with you 
let me fly with you 
let me love you 
and hold you 
over and over again 
yeah just over again 
let me die 
with you 
let me fly 
with you! 
with you 
nanana naaahh 
yeah just over again 
Over again.....!!

Emre Aydın & Gülden Mutlu - Soğuk Odalar (Cold Rooms)

Emre Aydın & Gülden Mutlu - Soğuk Odalar (Cold Rooms) lyrics with english translation

Durdu zamanım, bir şey diyemedim
 My time stopped, I couldn’t say a thing
Gitmek istedin ve gittin.. 
You wanted to leave and you left
Aynı gökyüzünde ayrıydı güneşin 
Your sun was different in the same sky
Söyle bari iyi misin? 
 At least tell, are you ok?

Burası soğuk, soğuk odalar 
 It’s cold here, rooms are cold
Yoksun neye yarar 
 You’re not here, what’s the good of it?
Örtünsem kat kat yorganlar aman 
 If I cover blankets over and over, oh
Soğuk, soğuk olanlar 
 Cold, the cold ones
Vurdum dibe kadar 
 I hit rock bottom
Halimden yalnız uyuyanlar anlar
 Only the ones who sleep alone can understand me

Monday 9 July 2012

Papinka - Dimana Hatimu (Where is your heart)

Papinka - Dimana Hatimu (Where is your heart) lyrics with english translation

Inilah akhir cintaku, inilah akhir kisahku
This is the end of my love, this is the end of my stories
Setelah kau jauh tinggalkan aku
When you're leaving me far away
Tak bisa ku melupakanmu, tak bisa aku tanpamu
I can't forget you, I can't live without you
Tak pernah aku rela kau tinggalkan aku
I never willing you to leave me

* Tiada ku sangka engkau berubah
I never thought you will change
Ku tak percaya kau membagi cinta
I can't believe you are dividing love
Tahukah engkau betapa sakitnya
Do you know it's very painful
Kau membagi cinta karna dia
You dividing love because of him/her

Tak pernah ku coba melupakanmu
I never try to forget you
Mengapa kau buat luka hatiku 
Why did you make my heart hurt
Sekian lama aku menunggu
I've been waiting for so long
Kasih dimana hatimu
My love where's your heart

Tak bisa ku coba melupakanmu
I never try to forget you
Mengapa kau buat luka hatiku
Why did you make my heart hurt
Sekian lama aku menunggu
I've been waiting for so long
Kasih dimana hatimu
My love where's your heart

Tak bisa ku melupakanmu, tak bisa aku tanpamu
I can't forget you, I can't live without you
Tak pernah aku rela kau tinggalkan aku
I never willing you to leave me

Repeat *
Repeat reff